The Family’s Role in Tiny Troops Soccer

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Tiny Troops Soccer aims to help your Tiny Trooper develop basic soccer skills, work on gross motor skills, build social and emotional skills, and most importantly, have fun while being active! While your Tiny Trooper works hard every class, we cannot forget the importance of the whole family. We love seeing all of our families on the sidelines, and your role is more important than you think! Here are some ways that families can support their Tiny Trooper every step of the way as they grow and learn all about soccer.

Before Class

  • Talk about soccer: If this is your little one’s first time on Soccer Island, talk to them about what they’ll learn to do. Show them soccer videos to enforce the concept (our virtual classes are great examples!) or play with a soccer ball in the backyard. Visit the location where classes will be held. If your player has been with our program, talk about what they did in the previous class. This is a good time to practice the skills or games they may have seen as well.
  • Set expectations: Learning takes practice! It’s normal for little ones to struggle with new skills. Encourage your Tiny Trooper to keep trying, and talk about any frustrating skills or games to find ways to work through them together.
  • Proper attire: Let your Tiny Trooper help pick out their clothes for the next class. Make sure they have comfortable clothing suited to the weather and closed-toed shoes. Cleats are optional for all ages. Shin guards are only required if they are in the 4.5/5 year old class. Pick out a special water bottle to bring to class so they can stay hydrated, and maybe even a snack or two for after class is over.
  • Sleep and a good breakfast: It can be hard for Tiny Troopers to focus on class if they are unable to sleep well the night before or did not eat a good breakfast. Let your Tiny Trooper know that good sleep and good food will help fuel their body and give them energy.

During Class

  • Encouragement: Our Parent and Me classes for our Mini Movers and 2-year-olds are a great opportunity to bond with your Tiny Trooper. One grownup is always on the field with the Tiny Trooper, which allows you to model and cheer them on as they try new skills and games. Our older Troopers are on the field by themselves, but they love having their cheering section on the sidelines! Cheer them on as they proceed through class, and talk to them about the great things they are doing when it’s time for a water break.
  • Go at their pace: Not every Tiny Trooper will jump right into class, so it’s very important follow your Trooper’s lead.

After Class

  • Praise: Praise your Tiny Trooper for the effort they put in, rather than the skill they showed. This is just the beginning of their soccer journey, and there’s so much to learn. Give examples of some of the things you saw them do. Praise them when they complete a new skill for the first time. This will help build your Tiny Trooper’s confidence and promote an “I can” attitude.
  • Review: On the ride home, talk about class with your Tiny Trooper. Ask them what their favorite part was or what they learned. Use this as another opportunity to praise the things that you saw them doing during class.
  • Play at Home: After class is over for the week, recreate the games or skills your little one learned in class at home in your backyard.
  • Share: Your Tiny Trooper can show other family members the things they have learned in class. If family is nearby, invite them over to see your little one in action, or invite them to attend a class. If family is far away, set up a video call so your Tiny Trooper can show them in real time, or record a video to share with friends and family.

At Tiny Troops Soccer, we believe that family support makes all the difference in a Tiny Trooper’s soccer experience. By preparing before class, offering encouragement during play, and reinforcing skills at home, you help build your Tiny Trooper’s confidence, resilience, and love for the game. Thank you for being part of their soccer journey—we can’t wait to see them thrive on Soccer Island!


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