Help! My Child Refuses to Play Soccer

Home » Help! My Child Refuses to Play Soccer


It’s finally here- Soccer Saturday! Your little one has been looking forward to going to soccer. Since you signed them up, they’ve kicked the ball around at home and talked about soccer.

But when you arrive… tears. Tears and more tears. And your little one refuses to do anything!

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? 

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We wish our Tiny Troopers would take to the field right away. Unfortunately, there are a few reasons why they may struggle. First, they are doing something entirely new, surrounded by new people. They are in a new environment. Most of our Tiny Troopers taking the field today spent much time at home, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, a stranger tells them to try games and skills they don’t know. They need help and guidance to adjust.

Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Do you remember the last time you tried something new? Perhaps you remember doing a sport for the first time when you were younger, or you remember what happened when you recently tried a new hobby. New things are scary. We step outside of our comfort zone and aren’t sure of ourselves. 

This can be a lot for a 2-4-year-old, but you can help them succeed on the field in many ways. The biggest thing is to give them time to adjust to soccer. One class isn’t enough to become comfortable with the new activity, and it may take a few classes before they feel comfortable enough to participate. For example, I had a little one who cried during his first two 3-year-old classes. However, during the 3rd class, he did not. He was playing with the other children and completing skills and games. He was happy and excited to play soccer. He just needed time to adjust. Once he did, he could engage in learning and having fun. 

help blog playing soccer

Your child’s coach will be one of their biggest cheerleaders on the field. Our coaches are trained to engage your child and encourage them to try new activities on the field. Sometimes, it just doesn’t work, and that’s okay! If your little one needs a break and wants to watch a little bit, that’s fine too. The coach will help and continue encouraging them to come onto the field to play.

Every child is different, and we want everyone to enjoy their time on Soccer Island. So if your little one has trouble in their first few classes, give them time to become comfortable and adjust. You’ll be amazed at what they can accomplish when they do!

Are you ready for your little one to join us on the field? Learn more and enroll today!

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