Activities & Skills: Dribbling & Trapping the Ball
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One of the most basic skills that Tiny Troopers learn their very first day on the field is to dribble their soccer ball. Trapping the ball also goes hand in hand. Dribbling the ball is how soccer players move the ball around the soccer field, and we begin by teaching Tiny Troopers all about how their feet move the ball from place to place on Soccer Island.
You can reinforce the dribbling and trapping skills learned on Soccer Island at home. This activity is not only great for getting your little one moving and using their feet, but also a great activity to do together outside. Grab a soccer ball or two and find an open space to kick a ball around.
First, remind your Tiny Trooper that they only use their feet to dribble the ball. In soccer, we don’t use our hands! We can use the inside of our feet, the outside of our feet, or the tops of our feet to dribble the ball. However, we can’t use our big toe. We say “Oh no, Big Toe!” Big toe makes big kicks, and we want little kicks when we dribble the ball. Little kicks let us keep the ball close, like a cookie, a puppy, or our favorite toy.
Encourage them to dribble around the open space, using those little kicks. Sometimes they might forget and use their hands, and that’s okay! Gently remind them we only use our feet to dribble our soccer ball. Try dribbling to different spots or around any objects you might have on hand.
Once they get the hang of dribbling, practice trapping the ball. Trapping is how we stop the ball in Tiny Troops Soccer. Have your Tiny Trooper use one foot and place it on top of the ball to keep it in place. For some smaller Tiny Troopers, this can be tricky, as they are still learning how to balance with their body. Assist by holding a hand while they practice trapping.
Switch back and forth between dribbling and trapping. For Tiny Troopers who may be ready for more advanced challenges, have them dribble around the open space, calling out to trap the ball at random times. Remind them to keep the ball close so they can trap at any moment. Encourage these Troopers to increase their speed while dribbling and still keep the ball close. Set up obstacles to dribble through and around.
Whether a new player or a seasoned Tiny Trooper, the most important aspect is the time spent bonding with you and being active. Need some guidance on dribbling and trapping? Check out our video below. Happy dribbling!