Fort Meade FAQ

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 Hello! How can we help you today? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from Tiny Troops Soccer parents at Fort Meade, one of our affiliate locations. Can't find the information you see? Please email us:


Tiny Troops Soccer is a year-round soccer program for ages 2-4 years old. We focus on teaching developmental soccer skills that help prepare little ones for recreational league soccer when they are older. Our program features trained coaches who utilize a lesson plan at every class. We teach a variety of soccer skills, listening activities, and other gross motor skills through fun games. Every child brings a ball, allowing them to get as many touches on it as possible during a class. 

Every month includes 3 in person classes and 1 virtual class.

Currently classes are held on Tuesday. Additional days and times will be available in the future. Join our email list to stay up to date on updates. 

With a one-time $99 registration fee, our 2-year-old class is only $65 per month and our 4 and 5-year-old class is only $75 monthly. 

Absolutely. The discount will be automatically applied when you register additional siblings. 

Enrollment begins here on our Fort Cavazos page. Click one of the "Enroll Now" buttons to continue. Select your child's class, complete the form, and make a payment.
No, your registration stays active until you pause or cancel your tuition. We have a hassle-free freeze/cancellation policy. See below. Want to cancel? Consider freezing your account for the small fee of $7.99 a month. This avoids you having to pay the $99.99 registration fee if you want to enroll at a later date. To freeze, click HERE

Still want to cancel? Click Here

While we would love for all little ones to join us on Soccer Island, your child must be turning 2 during the current session they are being enrolled in. 

Example: Your child is 22 months old, and you wish to enroll them in to begin in March. As long as your child's 2nd birthday occurs before the end of April, they are eligible to play in our 2-year-old Parent and Me classes.

When enrolling your player for classes, they must turn the required age during the month that the session covers.

Example: Your child is currently 2, and you would like to enroll them for the 3- and 4-year-old age group at your location for July. Your child's birthday must fall during July to be eligible for that age group class. 


Every child needs to bring the following to every class: 

  • athletic clothing suitable to the weather
  • a size 3 soccer ball
  • close-toed shoes (cleats are optional)
  • water to drink

Yes, every child must bring a ball. Children learn by getting as many touches on the ball as possible! If your child forgets their ball, coaches have an extra one that may be borrowed.

Your child will a size 3 soccer ball. These can be purchased at any location that sells sporting goods.

We understand mistakes can happen and balls can be forgotten at home. Every coach keeps a spare ball on hand for Tiny Troopers to borrow for a class.

Shin guards are optional for the 2 to 4-year-old classes. Cleats are optional for all ages. However, close-toed shoes are required.

2-year-old classes are 25-minute Parent and Me classes, and 3 & 4-year-old classes are 45 minutes.

Currently, classes are held on Tuesdays. Additional days and times will be available in the future. Join our email list to stay up to date on updates. 
Our classes are held at 1215 Waugh Chapel Rd. During the winter months, our location will change to indoors and will be within a 10-mile radius of the original location. Parents are notified a month in advance when the change happens. 

No, we will meet at the same location each week except in the winter. During the winter months our location will change to indoors and will be within a 10-mile radius of the original location. Parents are notified a month in advance when the change happens. 

This depends on the age of your child. 

2-year-old classes are Parent and Me and are not combined with any other age. One parent or other adult is on the field with the child at all times during the class.

3-year-old classes can be run separately from 4-year-old classes or may be combined. Both ages use the same lesson plans. Currently we only offer a combined 3 and 4-year-old class.

We keep our classes small to allow coaches to interact and work with players as much as possible.

2-Year-Old Classes: All 2-year-old classes have up to 8 players on the field, plus a parent/guardian for each player.

3-4-Year-Old Classes: Our older classes have up to 10 players on the field.

Yes. A parent/guardian must be at each class for the duration of the class to help with water breaks and child participation (if having trouble listening to the Coach, staying on Soccer Island, keeping hands to themselves, etc.).

*We require one parent per child to participate on the field for the entire class for 2-year-old Parent and Me groups.

Our program offers skill-building classes. Unlike other youth soccer programs, our 3 & 4-year-olds only scrimmage for a few minutes during classes 2 and 3. This maximizes the time spent on age-appropriate skills. We also incorporate games in lesson plans that help prepare Troopers for scrimmages. 

No. For the safety of your child, snacks may not be given. We do not want them to bring their snack onto the field and begin play, as this creates a choking hazard. Please bring plenty of water, as that is all they will need.