A Soccer Coach – Your Child’s First Teacher

Home » A Soccer Coach – Your Child’s First Teacher

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If you talk to a youth soccer coach, you’ll find that they are passionate about more things than just soccer. Yes, we love the game, but we always love sharing that passion with others. We want to teach others to play, just as we learned ourselves. You’ll also find a genuinely invested person in positively impacting others, especially young children. Your child’s coach prepares and plans for each session, keeping all children in mind. Then there are notes written to ensure that each session runs smoothly and is fun for everyone. Coaches do not get onto the field without a plan in mind, or without knowing the ways to help each of their charges succeed.

Teachers have this very same characteristic. Teachers realize their impact and often sacrifice their time and money to give their students what they need. They put their students’ needs above their own to serve them to the best of their ability. You may not be able to see this, but we soccer coaches are the same. We invest time and energy into creating session plans that meet players at their level and help them to develop further. Money is invested into equipment that will improve our players’ skills and make their time on the field enjoyable. We also take the time to research new ways to reach all players.

For many of our Tiny Troopers, their coach is their first teacher. The first person outside of mom and dad to guide them. The first person to expose them to a group of peers and set achievable goals. And possibly, the first person to teach them the love of play and exercise. 

We find it an honor to be your child’s first teacher, and we can’t wait to see them on the field! Curious about what makes a great coach? Check out this blog post from earlier this year!

Amy Schweizer is the Founder and Director of Tiny Troops Soccer. She loves creating physical activity programs that benefit the overall well-being of military children, families, and the surrounding communities. Amyhe is also a passionate advocate for military spouse employment. She has recently published her first book – “I Will Be Okay – Adventures of a Military Kid”, and was selected as the 2021 Inspirational Leader of the Year by The Rosie Network.

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