Activities & Skills: Hit the Grownup!

activities and skills hit the grownup

This week we’re featuring a variation on one of our Tiny Troopers’ favorite games – Hit the Coach! Tiny Troopers love this game because when their ball touches their coach, the coach must do something silly in response. Coaches might make silly faces, do a crazy dance, fall down, make silly sounds, etc. We’re bringing the fun and skill of this game to your backyard and calling it Hit the Grownup! This activity will allow your Tiny Trooper to practice their dribbling skills and control the ball when aiming and shooting.

For this activity, all you need is a ball, and of course, a grownup! Older siblings work, too. Find an open green space to utilize. First, explain the rules of the game to your Tiny Trooper. They must dribble the ball and keep it close. They need to get close to the grownup, then kick the ball so that it hits any part of the lower leg or foot. They cannot pick up the ball or use their hands. The grownup (or grownups, if more than one) will run around the green space area, encouraging the Tiny Trooper to get close and kick the ball at them. Once the ball touches any designated areas, the grownup must do something silly in response: silly faces, silly sounds, crazy dance, etc.

Adjust the game as needed, using the adaptations and modifications below. Need a visual demonstration? Check out the video at the bottom of this post. Happy playing, friends!

Adaptations & Modifications

  • Younger: Move slowly around the play space
  • Younger: Use a smaller space for the activity
  • Advanced: Tiny Trooper must hit a certain part of the leg/foot to get the grownup to react
  • Advanced: Tiny Trooper & grownup switch roles; Grownup dribbles while Tiny Trooper avoids them